Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"If I Take One More Step, It'll Be the Farthest Away From Home I've Ever Been"

I have now been in London for a total of 5 days now, and I feel like I've done so much already. I flew out on Friday the 13th of September (oooh scary!) Well it just so happens that 13 is my lucky number, being that I was born on a 13th. The flight, in itself, was very uneventful. It  took about 8 hours, so naturally I watched more movies than I should have instead of trying to get some sleep. It didn't really matter though, because as soon as I landed (and got through customs) the adrenaline started pumping. So it ended up feeling like a very long Friday, most of which I spent moving in to my flat and unpacking.

The next day I decided to do some exploring/ shopping. So I flipped on my city walking switch, and away I went. My first adventure: conquering the tube. I would consider myself a somewhat experienced subway rider. If I can navigate my way through the NYC subway system, the tube should be a piece of cake... and it was! I made way to Cannon St. which is somewhere between St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. I went out there in the hopes that the mobile phone stores were open, so I could pick up a temporary phone. Sadly, it was Sunday and most of the stores were closed. I then decided to just make a day of it. So I walked over to the Tower of London. They have a really nice walkway between the Tower and the Thames. I walked that until it took me to the Tower Bridge (you know, the big blue one). People often confuse the Tower Bridge and the London Bridge. The London Bridge is actually the next bridge over, understated and brown. So I casually walked across the Tower Bridge ,which was pretty incredible despite the rain!

I promise, I actually took this photo!

On the other side of the river, there was a green peace festival that was going on, so I wandered that for a little bit. I then discovered that it's only a 20 minute walk to my flat from the Tower Bridge. So I anticipate that I will be making that journey quite often! There are also a bunch of little shops along the way. The Borough Market seems to be the coolest by far. It's a food market that has every kind of food imaginable. I want to go back and try many more things!

The next day was filled with school related activities, boring I know! I confirmed my enrollment, got my student I.D and went to a couple study abroad sessions.I found out that I will be spending all of my time on the Strand Campus which is in the borough of Holborn. One of it's many attractions is Fleet Street, the alleged home to the demon barber, Sweeney Todd. On the other side of the strand building is the Somerset House, which is currently the home to London's fashion week. After all of my registration was over, I wandered over to the library on campus, which is incredible! It looks like a castle, and as I discovered they shot the scenes in Dumbledore's office for the Harry Potter films in this library! My inner nerd was freaking out! Also, if I just wander down the street I run into the Covent Gardens, the West End, and Trafalgar's Square. So, needless to say I love where I get to go school for the next three months!

The Maughn Library- Definitely looks like a castle!
After a day of rest from the rain, I got out once again. I went to the glorious Victoria and Albert Museum of design. It was like I had died and gone to heaven! If you are an artist in any way, shape, or form, you need to come here! They have a beautiful collection of period clothing, which was naturally the first exhibit I went to. They had everything from Christian Dior to Madame Gres to Charles James to Victorian fashion- you name it! Each time I turned a corner, the smile on my face got more and more ridiculous, especially whenever I saw anything Madame Gres. After a long period of time went by, I left the fashion wing and made my way to the theatre exhibit (weird, huh?) That exhibit was also like amazing! They had it set up so if you walk through the exhibit a certain way, you go through the basic process of putting on a production. They had old casting books, old contracts, an old stage manager's prompt book, and so much more. There were also stunning costume pieces there. It ranged from pieces from the Royal Ballet to the Lion King, and anything in between. There was a great display of head wear and masks as well! There is so much in this museum that I have yet to see. I am very sure that I will be returning here several times. One really great thing about museums in London, is that they are mostly free! Right next door to the Victoria and Albert is the Natural History Museum. I remember going there when I was a kid, and that they had the coolest dinosaur exhibit, but sadly the dinosaur exhibit was not open. I made my way to the minerals room, because what girl doesn't like looking at big shiny rocks? In the back of this room, they have 'the vault', which is home to very beautiful and very large gemstones. At this point, I was pretty tired out, so I conquered the tube once again and made my way home. 

I am loving my time here so far! I think one of the best things is actually  being on my own. I was little worried at first that it would be too much to be in such a large city on my own, but it turns out that I love it! When you travel in groups, you have to do things and go places that pleases everyone. When you travel by yourself, you get to do what you want to do, which is so refreshing. It's not that I never want to travel with people again, I'm just very grateful to be doing what I want to do without hurt feelings. I hope that in these next few weeks I have just as many,  if not, more adventures! Although classes start on Monday, so that should be an adventure all in itself! And with that, the second London installment has come to an end. Till next time! 

p.s. For those of you who got the reference in the title, you're awesome! I think it will be a theme from now on...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Getting Ready to Jump the Pond

Hey all,
This blog is here to keep everyone updated on everything that I'm doing while I'm studying in London. So here goes, my first post!

It's official! I only have ten days until I hop on a plane and head  to London. There is a lot more prep that involves going overseas for four months, and I have been pretty good about staying on top of things. I got my passport renewed which was fun. The last and only time I used my passport was when the Rehberg family went to the UK when I was 8 years old. So needless to say, I'm ready to go back and experience the city on my own and truly appreciate the things I might not have as an 8 year old.

I am studying at King's College right in the heart of London. They have three campuses located in the city, and I believe that I have class in all of them. That means I will be a very experienced tube rider by the end of this semester! I am lucky enough to only be taking four courses this semester, one of which is film studies. I am most excited for that course; like theatre, film has been one of my passions for a long time now, and I am so excited to study film in such an artistic city. No worries to all of my theatre friends, professors, and colleagues, I will most definitely be seeing and experiencing as much theatre as possible! I mean how can you not? My other classes are not as exciting as film, but I am looking forward to my history class; I get to learn about this history of this country, and then I get the chance to go to museums and art museums and see that history. It's just much more applicable than in the states.

I was lucky enough to get into a great apartment building on the south bank near the tower bridge! It's called the Great Dover Street Apartments. I get my own room, which will be nice since I've been spoiled with a new building with my own room at Viterbo! That red star is me! So, I should be just a jump, hop, and a skip away from the River.
Needless to say, I was very excited to see that I am living so close to the river. I am also right next to Tabard Gardens, which seems like a great place to go when I want to escape my studies.

Well that's it for now! My next post should be coming from a much longer distance. I just want to thank everyone who has supported me and given me the chance to embark on this amazing endeavor!