Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Getting Ready to Jump the Pond

Hey all,
This blog is here to keep everyone updated on everything that I'm doing while I'm studying in London. So here goes, my first post!

It's official! I only have ten days until I hop on a plane and head  to London. There is a lot more prep that involves going overseas for four months, and I have been pretty good about staying on top of things. I got my passport renewed which was fun. The last and only time I used my passport was when the Rehberg family went to the UK when I was 8 years old. So needless to say, I'm ready to go back and experience the city on my own and truly appreciate the things I might not have as an 8 year old.

I am studying at King's College right in the heart of London. They have three campuses located in the city, and I believe that I have class in all of them. That means I will be a very experienced tube rider by the end of this semester! I am lucky enough to only be taking four courses this semester, one of which is film studies. I am most excited for that course; like theatre, film has been one of my passions for a long time now, and I am so excited to study film in such an artistic city. No worries to all of my theatre friends, professors, and colleagues, I will most definitely be seeing and experiencing as much theatre as possible! I mean how can you not? My other classes are not as exciting as film, but I am looking forward to my history class; I get to learn about this history of this country, and then I get the chance to go to museums and art museums and see that history. It's just much more applicable than in the states.

I was lucky enough to get into a great apartment building on the south bank near the tower bridge! It's called the Great Dover Street Apartments. I get my own room, which will be nice since I've been spoiled with a new building with my own room at Viterbo! That red star is me! So, I should be just a jump, hop, and a skip away from the River.
Needless to say, I was very excited to see that I am living so close to the river. I am also right next to Tabard Gardens, which seems like a great place to go when I want to escape my studies.

Well that's it for now! My next post should be coming from a much longer distance. I just want to thank everyone who has supported me and given me the chance to embark on this amazing endeavor!

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